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  • Writer's pictureKATERINA

20 Creative Low Cost Date/Hangout Ideas

Creative Dates > Expensive Dates ;)

1. Carve pumpkins together! Who says it needs to be Halloween season? (And snack on roasted pumpkin seeds after)

2. Hit up a local farmer's market and try to find the ugliest organic fruit.

3. Buy some oven-bake clay and make yourselves a few cute plant pots. (Bonus points if you spend the afternoon picking out plants for your pots! Home Depot is a great spot.)

4. Pick a niche street food and hunt it down in the city! (crepes, waffles, kebabs, soft-shell tacos, whatever you two won't get sick of!) At the end you'll have explored the city together and found the best snack spots.

5. Take on handmade pasta!

6. ...Or a loaded carrot cake :)

7. Help clear each others' closets and finally donate those old clothes that y'all never wear.

8. Hop in the car with a picnic basket and drive after the sun. Stop at a cool nature spot! No google maps for this one until you need to drive back home.

9. Draw or paint each other at the same time.

10. Raid Costco and Trader Joes for free samples.

11. Find a smoothie/boba place and order drinks for the other person. (Bonus points if you both try to custom make a super strange flavor combination)

12. Take a beginner swing dance or salsa class.

13. Volunteer at a food bank or animal shelter.

14. Tour each others' old schools if you can :)

15. See what festivals or events are taking place in the city.

16. Hit up a classic vinyl/cd store. Play those swanky albums on the car ride home or on a record player if one of y'all own one (Lucky you, I'm jealous!)

17. Hunt down & road trip to a classic drive-in movie theater.

18. Drive somewhere you can see the stars at night. Don't forget blankets, a speaker, and bug spray!

19. Peruse together through old yearbooks and childhood relics. Soak up that wholesome nostalgia.

20. And for last, an oldie but a goodie: Watch the sunset together :)


Happy Hanging!



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